About The Centre for African Aesthetics

The Centre for African Aesthetics (The CAA) was registered in Kenya on September 27, 2001 as an international Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). Flag-bearer of African Renaissance. The CAA, that became operational in 2012, is devoted to the promotion of African cultural roots.


The mission of The CAA is to champion the ideals of African Renaissance in all possible manifestations.The only salvation for Africans is to provide the indigenous cultures the dignity they deserve. The erosion of African cultures started when world religions, particularly Christianity and Islam, started to penetrate the black world and undermining the cultures of the black peoples. This is why Africa has remained the playground for all forms of social and cultural experimentations.


The vision of The CAA is to promote indigenous African knowledge in all spheres of life. This entails reserving and promoting African cultural and spiritual practices, beliefs and values throughout the world. This should be emphasized through promotion of all forms of cultural expressions like literature, arts, traditional celebrations, science, communication, information, mass media, libraries, and intellectual property rights.

Modus Operandi

This social forum is devoted to inviting discussions and ideas in the process of implementing and addressing research of the noble African traditional governing structures, revisiting and developing African traditional ways of living, rediscovering of African history, environmental conservation, trees, plants and their medicinal values, traditional foods and their development and preservation, folklore and oral literature, music, songs and traditional dances; developing writers and published materials, promotion of reading culture, preservation of artifacts and material culture.

 The CAA’s business is to put in place cultural structures to accommodate social interactions and bring into focus the role of the individual in the community, the role of the community in helping the individual person, the goodness of communal living against individualism, the security of the individual and the community, relationship between the old and the young, parents and children, the rich and the poor and creation of good neighborliness

Officials of the CAA

Dr David G Maillu, founder member of CAA, is the Executive Chairman

Mr Stanley Irura, founder member of CAA, is the Executive Secretary

Ms Kingwa Kamenchu is the CAA’s Public Relations Officer